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Chapter 7. Deployment

📄️ About PythonAnywhere

PythonAnywhere is a hosting service for web applications written in Python. After creating an account, you get for free a (sort of) Linux virtual machine with several Python interpreters installed, multiple modules and third-party packages (including Django) and the ability to install new ones using pip, a ready-to-use MySQL database, a fully configured web server, a 512 MB file system and many other interesting things. It is not only an ideal solution for taking a web application to production for the first time, but also for professional projects. PythonAnywhere allows you to select only the resources you want to use and pay accordingly. Moreover, in paid plans you can set up your applications in your own internet domain (.com, .net, etc.)

📄️ Serving Static Files in Production

In a previous chapter we introduced the concept of a static file, that is, a file whose content is not generated in real time by Django or any other Python code, unlike, for example, HTML templates, which are processed in each request. By default, when the web browser requests the content of a static file (e.g. /static/myapp/styles.css), Django looks for it in the file system, opens it, reads it, and returns it as the content of an HTTP response. This is fine during development, but in production it is better to let the web server (Apache, NGINX, or whatever it is configured) take care of it, which it will be able to do it faster and more efficiently. It is not only better, but necessary, since Django only serves static files when debug mode is enabled.

📄️ Setting up a MySQL Database for Production

SQLite is a very useful database engine for the development stage, since there is no need to install additional software and it is very well integrated with Python. However, it is not that suitable for production usage. SQLite databases are simply files on the system, and as such have certain limitations: two processes cannot simultaneously write to the same file. Furthermore, in cloud services such as PythonAnywhere, file system access is usually a heavier operation than its equivalent database query.